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Do you know that you have ‘what it takes’ to be an indie musician in the modern landscape but your knowledge stops at how to craft awesome songs? … Not that that is 100% a bad thing, of course...

Music Marketing 

Does the term sound boring, stale and business-like? Do you associate tasks needed for music marketing with reasons why you don’t “do” marketing of any kind in the first place? You’re not alone. I hate business and math. Most of us do (I think). I know personally that I Barely passed high school due to math. So this is my solemn vow, to never present you, the Reader, with any sort of equation or formula ever.

All kidding aside - 

Here is the truth - 

Like it or not, you run a business. Your act, band, or project needs to be considered as a serious business if you wish to make a living from your music.

You may be an amazing musician, but without marketing oneself in some capacity you risk having your work go unheard.

You may be a lousy musician. This should not dissuade you from improving, first things first. BUT, with a little marketing magic, you can definitely still find your way onto playlists, sell your tracks and grow your brand as you develop your craft.

There are fifty people out there right now who shred and it doesn’t really matter how well they do it – Because we know who they are and I have never heard of YOU. 

We need to change that harsh reality above and fast! Don’t worry, it only takes a lifetime of work to get it right … 

Music marketing is a lot of trial and error.

Everything I explain here may not yield one good idea for you and your musical act. That’s fine, as long as you are genuine in your love of music and can explain why it matters to you and should matter to everyone else, you’ll think of something clever enough to grab some attention from someone, somewhere. After all, people really, really love music. It has always surprised me just how much those who do not even play love it, but that is their loss. After reading this book, you will understand how to pragmatize all those wild ideas you dreamed up but never quite knew how to implement. 

My aim as Author is to show you the most efficient, low-cost methods of music marketing I can speak to. This is not to say infusing money into your passion is at all ‘selling out’. If you can afford it, then hell yeah, do it; Get the same Manager as Elton John and book the studio in Fiji. Most of us have second-hand instruments and tenuous, second-hand knowledge of anything beyond. To clarify, money itself does not equal success here. It can definitely grease the wheels and speed along some of the slower, boring parts, but only heartfelt devotion to the music will yield any success in a marketing, or any other sense. 

What to do before marketing your music

You need to have a hit recorded and ready to go at a moments notice. And that hit needs to be friggin’ BRILLIANT. The song(s) need to be so good that no one can think up a single bad thing to say about it. I’m being verbose, but you get the idea. There is nothing to market with a shabby product. Don’t waste time, money or effort pushing music that you know you could do better on. If you know in your heart of hearts that what you are considering pushing to the mainstream is not top notch, close this book right now. It will help you only modestly at best, only to fizzle out what little it cultivated very quickly. We will see you soon, when you have recorded the next great, timeless classic. 

To the Mozart’s who intend to stick around – Prepare to get real nerdy with it, I applaud your enthusiasm!

Please download your FREE E-BOOK HERE – Unleashing your Sound – Music Marketing Strategies for the Independent Musician. A $65 value, free!
